Unfortunately, in today's allegedly legal Research and real time introductions of manifolding energy as delivered force through airspace as a medium for a means to intrusively deliver remotely directed invasive force into biological living creatures, criminally achieved by a prohibited act of cloning a forbidden range of the Natural Energy Spectrum, thereby resulting in a serious and grave breach of Criminal Law, as defined by case law, and by Statutes at large.

  Stated administering of introductions are dangerous and known to inflict serious physical harm to living biological creatures, as the delivered payloads of harnessed and focused energy that unnaturally alters the bio-energy levels of the victim, thereby remotely keeping the victim in a constant unnatural altered state that throws the homeostasis out of balance, with known harmful effects that severely physically and mentally traumatize the victims.

 Due to the live streaming that signal splashes the biological nervous system, the victims have no physical protection from these heinous atrocities. These heinous atrocities are also within purview of U.S.C. Title 18, 2261A , U.S.C. Title 18, Sections 241 and 242, as accessories to each other and equally culpable, citing U.S.C. Title 18, Section 3.

 When combined with an energy delivery system outside of research facilities, the means is known exigent and harmful capabilities that are unfortunately, easily harnessed, and the victims, like myself, are criminally trafficked, terrorized, and exploited, and physically oppressed, undermined and harmed.

  Because of the synthesized Bio-Energy altering being administered by remote delivery, it constitutes a criminal perpetration of repeated aggravated high felony assaults in a physical attack of force that intrusively invades the Bio-physiological human subjecting same human or biological living molecular property, to deliveries of energy payloads that forces an altering to the victim's Bio-energy from an outside non-contact source relating to interference that hinders and burdens the victim by tampering with the psyche and homeostasis inflicting known serious physical harm.

 Since simplicity improves reliability relating to properly gaining an understandable interpretation of the forbidden act, the range of the Natural Energy Spectrum that is being captured, harnessed, and synthesized, is the Natural Bio-Electromagnetic range of the Natural Energy Spectrum. Stated living Bio-energy is specific to the individual, like a thumb print, and is absolutely privately owned and GOD given.

 Certain people of the Sciences and Medicine were dangerously tampering with these properties just before WWII in the mid to late 1930's in alleged research studies and experiments. Henceforth, the Nuremberg Code of 1947, deriving from the Nuremberg Trials of the mid 1940s.

 Now any re-introduction is a known proscribed forbidden act, and has officially been declared so since 1947, and is within direct purview of what is known as Universal Law and the Laws, Treaties, Accords, and Covenants, that Internationally enforce The Nuremberg Code of 1947, The Belmont Report, Positive Law, Criminal Statutes, Case Law, and now due to Computer Science and Wireless Technology, the forbidden practice is absolutely within purview of Statutes at Large.

  The above stated is in force within the US, the UN, and all of its State Members, especially the State Signate Members of certain UN Treaties, Declarations, and International Accords.

 I have properly alerted the proper legal authorities and have clearly stated that I, and other criminally victimized living biological creatures have been seriously physically harmed and are needy for immediate assistance to obtain rescue and relief as known crime victims of nothing less than heinous atrocities, and have not gotten rescued, or even interviewed. That lack of action is nothing less than witnessed Sedition in a failed attempt to cover-up a Conflict of Interest. and a lot more.

  However, fortunately for us victims and for reasons of simplicity, a sitting Judge require only probable cause of an illegal act occurring. So that they may Rule on the findings of any properly presented evidence with respect to meting out Law, and criminal punishment, and considering that these absolute heinous atrocities are witnessed by multiple persons, and the suspects are identifiable, the entire perpetration is nothing less that actions that are legally defined as High Criminal Offenses against one's Country and Nation.

  The harnessing of the delivery means with the capabilities to be utilized outside of facilities, in the public and private sector, does not conform to United States Constitutional Law, and is within purview of International Criminal Law, Criminal Statutes, and Statutes at Large.

  The Evidence of Positive Law absolutely supports Statutes at Large concerning these 'through air' introductions, therefore immediately coming within the Interest of Justice, so as to avoid a conflict of interest By The United States, United Nations,or any other Country, or Nation, that is not a member of the United Nations, concerning supporting or furthering, the development, design, research, sponsoring of, or adhering to, remote means with illegal intent to interfacing a non-contact  delivery, including wireless to biological interfacing, Biological signal splashing, and or wireless Synthetic Telepathy, or any theft of, and or, theft of use of, any living Biological creature's energy and physiological molecular property through the proscribed forbidden introduction of remote Bio- energy harnessing.

 Any such act is an immediate High Criminal Offense, and is absolutely a forbidden practice that is to be immediately halted by deadly force, if necessary, and immediately becoming a legal criminal matter for the US District Courts, and U.S. Supreme Court, in both Criminal Parts. Also the International Criminal Courts, with respect to Statutes at Large taking precedence in ANY Official Court of Law, relating to witnessed Interstate Criminal Activity, in several US Districts, and outside of the United States, by identifiable civilian suspects, relating to federal extraterritorial jurisdiction applying to witnessed criminal perpetration of same civilians and now, non civilian accessories after the fact. 

 Criminal investigations and criminal proceedings need to commence immediately, by the order of President Obama, or U.S. Attorney General Lynch, at once, before Donald Trump, the 45th President Elect takes Oath and accepts the responsibilities as Public Officer of the Presidency of the United States, so that there will be no compromising the 45th President in his duties to WE The People of the United States, and Our Nation of America, and other Countries and Nations of Earth, Man, and all Living Biological Creatures, and to avoid criminal proceedings against stated Public Office for a willful failure to execute State and Federal Law, Citing U.S.C. Title 18, Section 2384-Seditious Conspiracy, that is adhering, through allowing, and therefore furthering subversive activities, citing U.S.C Title 18, Section 2383, relating to adhering to Interstate Criminal Offenses, citing Domestic Terrorism within purview of U.S.C.Title 18, Sect. 2331(5),(A),(B),(i),(C), therefore immediately within purview of U.S.C. Title 18, Section 2381, citing Treason, and obstruction within purview of U.S.C. Title 18, Sections 1505(Enter subparts later), 1512 (a)(1), (A), (B),(C),(2),(A). U.S.C. Title 18, 1513 (a)(1),(A),and (B) and 1515 (a)(1),(A),(C),(2),(3),(A),(B),(C),(D),(E),(4),(A),(5),(A),(B),(C),(D),(E), and(6) (b), and approximately fifty five other Statutes of Law, that immediately warrant a mandatory closed door hearing in accordance with Title 18, Statute Section 3593, due to the witnessed offenses of Treason and the undermining Subversive Activities. ( I'll fill in the Statutes and sub parts later concerning 3591 and 3592, relating to 2381, 2383 for a special hearing in accordance with 3593.

 DO NOT believe that I do not know how to cite Law, and certainly DO NOT believe that I do not have material witnesses and material evidence.

 If ANY Person of this Earth believes that I am misleading or giving any false Statements in this authoring. Then you feel free to file a civil action or criminal complaint against me, and have me served with same, then placed under arrest, and presented with a Date to appear in Criminal Court, and without being childish or goading.......I dare you to do so, as your career in whatever,  will be immediately finished, and of course, you will also be arrested, and held on pretrial detainee status, then indicted on multiple counts, found guilty, then incarcerated with finality. No appellate Court will overturn what you are convicted of. A future President may pardon some of you, however, I highly doubt it.

I trust that you all have a complete understanding of what you've just read.

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